Wednesday, November 16, 2005 |
It Has Always Been About the Oil |
(With the ties to the oil industry that members of the Bush administration have, the idea that this was entirely dismissed by the MSM's - prior to invasion - is absurd. Also, these oil execs were not required to swear under oath, thanks to one of America's greatest friends, Ted Stevens (R) Alaska. By the way, how are those bridges coming Ted?)
(UPDATE: apparently nothing, is the answer to that previous question)
The Washington Post now reports that Cheney secretly met with oil exec.s in 2001 prior to both 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. Some of the participants of this meeting have now been identified.
A White House document shows that executives from big oil companies met with Vice President Cheney's energy task force in 2001 -- something long suspected by environmentalists but denied as recently as last week by industry officials testifying before Congress. The document, obtained this week by The Washington Post, shows that officials from Exxon Mobil Corp., Conoco (before its merger with Phillips), Shell Oil Co. and BP America Inc. met in the White House complex with the Cheney aides who were developing a national energy policy, parts of which became law and parts of which are still being debated.
Chevron was not named in the White House document, but the Government Accountability Office has found that Chevron was one of several companies that "gave detailed energy policy recommendations" to the task force. In addition, Cheney had a separate meeting with John Browne, BP's chief executive, according to a person familiar with the task force's work; that meeting is not noted in the document. Now lets look at what, in particular, they might have been discussing. This is from the 7/18/03 broadcast of PBS's Now with Bill Moyers:
Judicial Watch is a conservative organization that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, and two years ago, Klayman filed a Freedom of Information request to find out who came to the Vice President's meetings and what advice they gave. When the administration failed to comply, Klayman went to court.
Well, this week, in response to that lawsuit the government had to release several energy task force documents.
Now, keep in mind, these date back to the spring of 2001, some six months before 9/11, two years before the war with Iraq. Among them are a map of Iraq's oil fields and pipelines, and lists of foreign companies — the documents call them "suitors" — interested in developing Iraq's oil industry. These documents raise more questions than they answer, they don't tell us, for example, why the Vice President and private energy executives would be so curious at that time about those Iraqi oil fields, and why they would fight so hard in the meantime to keep their curiosity secret.
Here are the maps, from Judicial Watch.
Make no mistake about it, oil has always been "the" significant factor.
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 2:43 PM   |
Friday, November 11, 2005 |
Bush and Abramoff: The Last Loose-End |
Heads handed up on a silver platter now packaged up nice-and-neatly. With so much rightfully, and deservedly, headed straght towards the White House, as well as Republicans in general right now, it's gonna take some pretty serious magik to get out of this.
2 minutes, a straitjacket, 1 key, and rising water, will they be able to escape?........Stay tuned! |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 7:03 PM   |
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 |
Pre Documenting Age, the Mere Suggestion of this Would Merit a TinFoil Participation Ribbon |
Or be ignored by greater masses, while selfishly enjoyed by a privilaged few.
But low and behold, with virtually realtime documenting, point of fact a historical record, aided by the relative ease of the internets, with a what whoever wants to can do with em, and the TiVos, and all the crazy shit you can do with them too. We now have the technology available to check and re-check what is said and then claimed to have been said. It's awesome, because it's Green Kryptonite, undeniable evidence to the affirmitive. ThinkProgress would like to present.
There is a brewing controversy about what exactly was said at the White House press conference on October 31. Everyone agrees NBC’s David Gregory said this:
Q Whether there’s a question of legality, we know for a fact that there was involvement. We know that Karl Rove, based on what he and his lawyer have said, did have a conversation about somebody who Patrick Fitzgerald said was a covert officer of the Central Intelligence Agency. We know that Scooter Libby also had conversations. Congressional Quarterly and FNS both transcribed Press Secretary Scott McClellan’s answer as “That’s accurate.” The White House transcript lists McClellan’s answer as “I don’t think that’s accurate.” |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 5:28 PM   |
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 |
Paranoid My Ass! |
Is the FBI gathering information about you? If they're gathering information on people you have contact with, then the answer is probably yes. And they'll hang on to whatever they find regardless of whether or not you've done anything wrong. Welcome to George Bush's America.
(don't blink, don't you fuckin' blink) |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 8:47 PM   |
If You're a Kid in Kansas... |
you should be pissed. You've officially become the laughing stock of the nation as a result of other's doings.
Note to the wacko's of the Kansas School Board (the 6 that voted for, not the 4 who voted against) and the supportors of this nonsense: Just because you really, really, really want something to be true, doesn't necessarily make it so. The children of your state should not have to suffer for your ignorance. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 8:15 PM   |
Chalabi: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game |
This guy was/is a major player, and has/is been through the whole process of the Iraqi occupation. He has also been playing both sides (US & Iran) since well before the run-up. The White House and it's Republican minions in congress have been reluctant to go after him, for obvious reasons - he and the neo-cons are joined at the hip, but as we get closer to him potentially taking control of Iraq (when he potentially becomes Prime Minister in December) more and more focus is being directed his way.
Jacked from
Statement from congressman George Miller regarding his visit
“While Mr. Chalabi is sashaying around the streets of Washington, in between photo ops with Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rice, the Senate and House Intelligence Committees should issue him a subpoena,” said Miller. “It’s time we get to the bottom of Chalabi’s role in providing false intelligence to the White House and whether he’s working with Vice President Cheney to cover up the fact that the intelligence did not justify the war.” From Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin regarding his visit
I don’t understand this. While the Department of Justice is actively investigating this man for wrongdoing that could have endangered American troops and American lives, the Department of State and the Department of the Treasury are hosting him like some sort of dignitary. So don’t be surprised if you watch the Chalabi motorcade speed up when they pass the Department of Justice. I guess they’re concerned whether an FBI agent will come out and pursue this so-called active investigation.
It is very difficult to track how this man, who gave us such misleading information before the invasion of Iraq, now under active investigation for endangering American troops is now under active investigation for endangering American troops is now the toast of the town at the Department of Treasury and the Department of State. Chalabi's history - an introduction to PNAC's favorite Iraqi |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 2:33 PM   |
Friday, November 04, 2005 |
Wingnuts, Dominionists, Chumps |
Brad sums it up about as well as I could, so here:
Do you people get it yet? You're the "wackos" according to your own people.
You've been played. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 2:14 PM   |
One Step Closer: Niger/Uranium Forgeries |
from the New York Times:
Senator Brutti also told reporters that Italian intelligence had warned Washington in early 2003 that the Niger-Iraq documents were false.
"At about the same time as the State of the Union address, they said that the dossier doesn't correspond to the truth," Senator Brutti said. He said he did not know whether the warning was given before or after President Bush's address.
He made the claim more than once, but gave no supporting evidence. Amid confusing statements by various lawmakers, he later appeared to backtrack in conversations with both The Associated Press and Reuters, saying that because Sismi never had the documents, it could not comment on their merit.
There had long been doubts within the United States intelligence community about the authenticity of the yellowcake documents, and references to it had been deleted from other presentations given at the time. Josh Marshall breaks down the article and has the most info on the subject (specifically related to the Italians) that I've been able to find. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 10:05 AM   |
New Media Revolution: On the Cusp |
Rolling Stone has a great article about the New Media's role in the CIA outing (I was directed to it by RawStory) |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 9:58 AM   |
Thursday, November 03, 2005 |
Storm Clouds Gathering |
From the Democratic Underground:
The current climate presents Democrats with an enormous opportunity to define the contrast between the two parties for years to come. Democrats need only remind voters that, under Clinton, not only were they the party of peace, prosperity and budget surpluses, but they were able to reduce the size of government and still be effective; while the Bush record is the exact opposite on all counts. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 10:57 AM   |
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 |
Tweeds: Denver OKs up to an Ozer |
Some from my state are informed, lets hope this common sense approach to the war on drugs continues. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 4:20 PM   |
ThinkProgress: National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley's Role in the Forged Uranium/Niger Documents |
People are now asking what was discussed during that meeting. Hadley says he has “no recollection” of what was discussed or of any documents being passed. It sure sounds like a denial, but it doesn’t mean much. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 1:56 PM   |
Bush's Last Relatively Good Week |
(This is another email that I sent around to some friends last Friday, so here it is for the blog.)
The news keeps getting better for this administration, I hope thay all enjoyed their last relatively "good" week.
Some of the "not-so-good" parts from the article:
Libby's indictment is a political embarrassment for the president, paving the way for a possible trial renewing the focus on the administration's faulty rationale for going to war against Iraq — the erroneous assertion that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.
CBS News legal analyst Andrew Cohen reports the indictment "makes it very likely, almost a certainty" that Vice President Dick Cheney will have to testify in the criminal trial against Libby.
If so, Cheney, who prizes secrecy, will be called upon as a witness to explain why the administration launched a campaign against Plame's husband, diplomat Joseph Wilson, a critic of the war who questioned Mr. Bush's assertion that Iraq had sought nuclear material. (Uh oh Mr. Cheney)
and this
At a news conference, Fitzgerald said the inquiry was substantially complete, though he added ominously, "It's not over." He declined to comment about Rove's involvement. Asked about Cheney, he said: "I'm not making allegations about anyone not charged in the indictment." and more
Democrats suggested the indictment was just the tip of the iceberg. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the case was "about how the Bush White House manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to bolster its case for the war in Iraq and to discredit anyone who dared to challenge the president." SO GREAT, two years after the war began we're just now getting ready to really start looking at how the intelligence was used.
Keep up the good work Congress, we're so proud of the good work you do. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 12:56 PM   |
The List Continues to Grow |
Investigations and indictments are mounting for members of the Republican party. I should start a list.
This week's Republican in Trouble (RIT): US Sen Elizabeth Dole - NC |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 12:39 PM   |
PNAC and the Niger Documents (a work in progress) |
I originally sent this around to some friends of mine on Oct. 26 (last Wednesday), but have updated some things. I thought it should be here, so just like that, here it is.
"The probe is far from being at an end. According to this reporter's sources, Fitzgerald approached the judge in charge of the case and asked that a new grand jury be empanelled. The old grand jury, which has been sitting for two years, will expire on October 28." and this from the same entry/blog/article
"Thanks to a letter of February, 2004 which Fitzgerald asked for and obtained expanded authority, the Special Prosecutor is now in possession of an Italian parliament investigation into the forged Niger documents alleging Iraq's interest in purchasing Niger uranium, sources said.
They said that Fitzgerald is looking into such individuals as former CIA agent, Duane Claridge, military consultant to the Iraqi National Congress, Gen. Wayne Downing, another military consultant for INC, and Francis Brooke, head of INC's Washington office in an effort to determine if they played any role in the forgeries or their dissemination. Also included in this group is long-time neoconservative Michael Ledeen, these federal sources said." About the investigation in Italy regarding the (forged Niger/Uranium documents). These documents were dismissed by the CIA at least 3 times, yet then Deputy National Security Advisor (current National Security Advisor) Steve Hadley (said to be a target in the CIA leak investigation) met with Italian Military Intelligence (SISMI) Chief Nicolo Pollari regarding those documents.
"Nicolo Pollari is the head of Italian military intelligence, SISMI. The Repubblica article claims that over the course of 2002 Pollari -- knowing the documents were fakes -- made repeated attempts to get them into the DC information stream by going around the CIA, which discounted them as fakes. This was to satisfy the expressed needs of Bush administration officials who were searching for some information to validate their claims about an Iraqi nuclear program." It is widely speculated that these documents were in fact created by the Iraqi National Congress. The Iraqi National Congress is headed by Ahmed Chalabi, a former Iraqi exile, educated in the US, who returned to Iraq shortly after the first Gulf War, to help the Kurds fight Sadam. He is currently the deputy Prime Minister and interim Oil Minister in Iraq. The INC, and Chalabi, are favorites of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
PNAC, established in 1997, is a conservative think tank chaired by Weekly Standard editor William Kristol. Its past and present members include such notables as Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Steve Forbes, Dan Quayle, and William Bennett (he of "[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down" fame.)
and here is where it gets really good.
In the PNAC project paper "Rebuilding America's Defenses" they describe the need for a "Pearl Harbor-type event" (or possibly a 9/11-type series of events) to generate support for the "Democratization" of the Middle East, beginning, of course, with regime change in Iraq.
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. see also this for a summary of the paper.
So you see, Iraq does have something to do with the events of 9/11, just not in the manner in which has been eluded to by the Bush administration. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 12:07 PM   |
Look who's coming to America |
Similar to the oil and chemical industry's current attempts to preemptively redo their images before public opinion begins to really turn against them, PNAC darling Ahmad Chalabi is coming to America in an apparent attempt to do the same. Why? Because the whole world (including the Iraqi's) will be watching as congress essentially "re-debates" (investigates) the justifications for going to war in Iraq - something that should have been done 2 1/2 years ago, though curiously Democrats are all of a sudden shocked and outraged - and Chalabi's name will quite frequently come up. Chalabi really wants to be America's puppet in Iraq...I've been told, they have a lot of oil. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 10:56 AM   |
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