Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Bush's Last Relatively Good Week
(This is another email that I sent around to some friends last Friday, so here it is for the blog.)

The news keeps getting better for this administration, I hope thay all enjoyed their last relatively "good" week.

Some of the "not-so-good" parts from the article:

Libby's indictment is a political embarrassment for the president, paving the way for a possible trial renewing the focus on the administration's faulty rationale for going to war against Iraq — the erroneous assertion that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.

CBS News legal analyst Andrew Cohen reports the indictment "makes it very likely, almost a certainty" that Vice President Dick Cheney will have to testify in the criminal trial against Libby.

If so, Cheney, who prizes secrecy, will be called upon as a witness to explain why the administration launched a campaign against Plame's husband, diplomat Joseph Wilson, a critic of the war who questioned Mr. Bush's assertion that Iraq had sought nuclear material.

(Uh oh Mr. Cheney)

and this

At a news conference, Fitzgerald said the inquiry was substantially complete, though he added ominously, "It's not over." He declined to comment about Rove's involvement. Asked about Cheney, he said: "I'm not making allegations about anyone not charged in the indictment."

and more

Democrats suggested the indictment was just the tip of the iceberg. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the case was "about how the Bush White House manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to bolster its case for the war in Iraq and to discredit anyone who dared to challenge the president."

SO GREAT, two years after the war began we're just now getting ready to really start looking at how the intelligence was used.

Keep up the good work Congress, we're so proud of the good work you do.
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 12:56 PM  
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