Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Chalabi: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game
This guy was/is a major player, and has/is been through the whole process of the Iraqi occupation. He has also been playing both sides (US & Iran) since well before the run-up. The White House and it's Republican minions in congress have been reluctant to go after him, for obvious reasons - he and the neo-cons are joined at the hip, but as we get closer to him potentially taking control of Iraq (when he potentially becomes Prime Minister in December) more and more focus is being directed his way.

Jacked from ThinkProgress.com:

Statement from congressman George Miller regarding his visit
“While Mr. Chalabi is sashaying around the streets of Washington, in between photo ops with Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rice, the Senate and House Intelligence Committees should issue him a subpoena,” said Miller. “It’s time we get to the bottom of Chalabi’s role in providing false intelligence to the White House and whether he’s working with Vice President Cheney to cover up the fact that the intelligence did not justify the war.”

From Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin regarding his visit
I don’t understand this. While the Department of Justice is actively investigating this man for wrongdoing that could have endangered American troops and American lives, the Department of State and the Department of the Treasury are hosting him like some sort of dignitary. So don’t be surprised if you watch the Chalabi motorcade speed up when they pass the Department of Justice. I guess they’re concerned whether an FBI agent will come out and pursue this so-called active investigation.

It is very difficult to track how this man, who gave us such misleading information before the invasion of Iraq, now under active investigation for endangering American troops is now under active investigation for endangering American troops is now the toast of the town at the Department of Treasury and the Department of State.

Chalabi's history - an introduction to PNAC's favorite Iraqi
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 2:33 PM  
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