Saturday, March 18, 2006
Abramoff Summer: For a Little While, Posting will be Lite
I'm looking to really get HonestDissent going over the summer, so in an effort to ensure that I have plenty to post I'm kind of in research mode right now. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about a number of issues, but I'm currently and primarily working on that Abramoff thingee. Who/what does Jack know? How big is his related web of influence? And, basically, how he got to where he is today (indicted). For those who may not be well versed in the scandal, understand that it is no exaggeration when it is described as "massive". I have a list of over 100 individuals, including anywhere from 15-30 current and former members of Congress, that are involved in the shit in at least some small way. Sure, you've probably heard about the readily-mentioned players; Rep. DeLay (R-TX), Sen. Burns (R-MT), Sen. Ney (R-OH), Sen. Doolittle (R-CA), Rep. Feeney (R-FL), and Sen. Santurom (R-PA), but have you heard about the Democrats? How about a one Rep. Clyburn (D-SC) or howabout Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS). Obviously these guys aren't "as involved" as the former members mentioned, and are probably no more likely to see severe consequences as say a Newt Gingrich or a Rep. Istook (R-OK), but they're there in the mix. I'm also waiting to see if this will somehow spill over into the Duke Cunningham/MZM scandal as that one is already starting to creep into a completely seperate scandal all on it's own; Warrantless Domestic Spying [keep this on the Qt, MZM was contracted to do some work for the Counterintelligence Field Activities (CIFA) (shhhhh, CIFA is the new, and improved, NSA, the one most people haven't heard of) and quite possibly had a hand in Total Information Awareness (TIA), the program that Congress banned because it was too intrusive to American civil liberties so the DoD broke up the various "tools" as they are referred to, renamed them, and to complete the cleansing operation, put them under different agencies where nobody will find them. (see: Genoa II or Topsail for more info, just don't tell the Feds where ). MZM also did some work for the White House and the Department of Energy's Counterintelligence Agency]. What's that you say? The DoE has it's own Counterintelligence Agency? That’s right friend, everybody's got one these days. As a matter of fact, if your department doesn't have it's own counterintelligence agency, then your department is probably unnecessary, right Grover?

By the way, Grover (Norquist) is apparently in it pretty frickin' deep.

If you have no idea what in the hell I'm talking about, don't worry, I'll explain later, or in the meantime Google some of things or individuals I've mentioned, then check back around mid-April. At that time, the posts should start flowing in. And believe me, they will be flowing. OVERFLOWING or TOPPED, but definitely not breached, no way, some might say......i'm not really sure what i mean by all that.
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 2:21 PM  
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