Friday, February 03, 2006 |
WIWNT: Feb 3, 2006 |
Today's blog entries and articles from around the internets that I found interesting with the primary focus being on 5 of the most visible investigations looking into the conduct of the Bush White House. These investigations are (1) the use of pre-Iraq War intelligence, (2) the administrations response to Hurricane Katrina, (3) authorized warrantless domestic spying, (4) outing of a covert CIA agent, (5) the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal.
Warrantless Domestic Spying
Despite recent claims by the president, vice president, and their minions that had this warrantless domestic spying program been in place prior to 9/11, those events would have been prevented, FBI Director Robert Mueller told Congress yesterday that in the 4 plus years that the program has been in place it has led to a whole bunch of leads, but ZERO al Qaeda operatives. From the NY Daily News. See for yourself here.
According to the Boston Globe, despite Bush's remarks during his State of the Union address that not only is the warrantless domestic spying program perfectly legal, but that past presidents have done it too (does that argument ever work, I think I remember trying that one when I was a kid, but with little success), many legal experts, both conservative and liberal, seem to disagree rather strongly. On both counts. Keep trying baby, maybe if you close your eyes so tight you see 'fireworks' and you keep believing really, really hard your dream (our nightmare) will come true. See for yourself here.
From ThinkProgress, Intelligence officials are refusing to answer questions about the warrantless domestic spying program. This should be expected, nobody wants to incriminate themselves. See for yourself here.
CIA Leak Investigation
RawStory is reporting that in recent court filings related to the CIA leak investigation "no formal damage assessment has been done with regard to how the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame affected the agency's operations worldwide. They also hint that Vice President Cheney's former Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby may have outed Plame on the orders of his 'superiors.'" Nuh uh!?! See for yourself here.
Use of Pre-War Intel
The National Journal is reporting that "Vice President Cheney and his then-Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby were personally informed in June 2003 that the CIA no longer considered credible the allegations that Saddam Hussein had attempted to procure uranium from the African nation of Niger, according to government records and interviews with current and former officials. The new CIA assessment came just as Libby and other senior administration officials were embarking on an effort to discredit an administration critic who had also been saying that the allegations were untrue." See for yourself here.
The Guardian Unlimited is reporting that in a recently revealed secret British memo, yes another one (they'veapparentlyy got as many problems as we do in keeping secrets, wonder why that is), Bush and Blair had agreed to go into Iraq with or without UN backing and better yet, planned to attempt to lure Saddam into war by painting a U2 reconnaissance aircraft in UN colors and fly it over Iraq in hopes that he would fire upon it. At this point, if you still believe that we only went to war as a last resort, you're a willful idiot. See for yourself here.
According to a recent Gallup poll, 53% of Americans now believe that Bush deliberately misled them on Iraq WMDs. 84% of Republicans still refuse to believe the president would intentionally mislead them. Stubborn critters aren't they? From Editor & Publisher. See for yourself here. |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 11:42 AM |