Sunday, February 19, 2006 |
Global Warming: Move Along, There's Nothing to See Here |
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The images above come from those liberal intellectual elitists over at NASA and depict computer generated renderings of what scientists at NASA describe as a "side by side comparison of seaice from 1979 and 2003" derived from "data collected by a number of satellites from" that time period.
In 2002 scientists recorded the lowest concentration of sea ice ever in The Arctic. ..... Less ice means more open water. More open water means greater absorption of solar energy. More absorption of solar energy means increased rates of warming in the ocean, which naturally tends to yield faster rates of ice loss.
Kind of a snowball effect, you could say, global-warming-resistant of course.
Here's NASA's full-on analysis on the topic.
There's been quite a bit in the news on this topic lately, so lets take a look shall we.
1.) Bush says he doesn't believe in global warming, but he's an oil guy so why would he. As we all know, Bush likes his information uncritical, and his favored authors? They write books with titles like "Rebel in Chief: Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency of George W. Bush" or fictional tales which suggest that global warming is an unproven theory and an overstated threat.
2.) There's also a new report out on Greenland's quickening meltdown. The lead author of the Greenland study was Eric Rignot of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
...the glaciers of Greenland, which carry ice from the interior out to the sea, have gone on a tear. They're flowing, on average, about twice as fast as they were a decade ago... ..... If all of Greenland's ice were plopped into the ocean, sea level would rise a catastrophic 20 feet or more. Until yesterday, most experts thought global warming might make it happen in a couple of thousand years. Now they're talking hundreds. Related Greenland article: here.
3.) Late last month we learned that another NASA scientist, James Hansen, had claimed he'd been silenced by the agency for speaking out about global warming.
4.) George C. Deutsch, the 24-year-old NASA official involved with silencing James Hansen, was forced to resign earlier this month.
The New York Times reported that Deutsch tried to limit reporters' access to Jim Hansen, a noted NASA climate scientist, and insisted that a Web designer insert the word "theory" before any mention of the Big Bang.
"George attracted attention because some of the things he demanded were so outrageous," Hansen wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press on Wednesday.
5.) For the first time in anyone's memory, there is no ice on the Great Lakes this year. Says who?
"There's essentially no ice at all," said George Leshkevich, a scientist who has studied Great Lakes ice for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, since 1973. "I've never seen that."
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 6:24 PM |