Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Bush's War on Critical T-Shirts Continues...

Here's my take on this post by Glenn Greenwald.

Every once in awhile our Dear Leader takes his protective bubble out of the palace and on the road to tell us all about how much he respects opposing views, not to mention how grand it is to live in a country which fosters and encourages such views. This is utter bullshit of course, but it does make for a good sound byte and is quite effective at easing the concerns of the middle about how BushCo handles it's critics (see the handling of Joseph Wilson/Valerie Plame, Richard Clarke, Paul O'Neill, General Shinseki, and "Bunny" Greenhouse all of which turned out to be, for the most part if not entirely, correct. What was that about hindsight again Mr. President? Maybe instead of concentrating your efforts on tearing down critics you should focus your efforts on sound policy). And if you're actually gulible enough to buy what he's shovelling here, well maybe you should look back at what he's had to say about dictatorships. This is the democratically elected leader of the 'Free World', who just so happens to prefer dictatorships. WHAT ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME!!! Is he really stupid or just arrogant (remember the slide show of him jokingly searching high and low for the imaginary WMD's scattered around the oval office, ha, ha, ha, 2,200+ dead American servicemen and women and tens of thousands more injured for those weapons, now that IS funny...asshole)?

Well last night at the Presidential Comedy Hour (seriously, who wasn't laughing when the President spoke about our dependence on oil having himself come from an oil family, with the 'former' CEO of an oilfield services company, VP Dick Cheney sitting directly behind him, and the woman who had to request that Chevron NOT name an oil tanker after her, current Secretary of State Condi Rice, parked right in front of him) Cindy Sheehan, who was in attendance, was arrested and detained but not charged for wearing a T-Shirt which reflected the current casualty count in Iraq (one of those casualties, of course being Cindy's son Casey). That's right, arrested for wearing a T-Shirt. Again with the T-Shirt and bumper sticker police Mr. President!?! Seriously, is his skin so thin that he can't handle the criticism of Cafe Press merchandise. He's like a delicate flower packaged in bubble wrap. From all credible accounts (Cindy's as well as from CNN and the AP) Cindy wasn't at all disruptive, she merely removed her jacket and there it was, THE CRITICAL T-SHIRT. Fortunately, Officer Mike Weight was in the area and quickly, maybe even forcibly, hauled her away before the president was permanently damaged......any worse.

Another close call folks, but everything is okay now.
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 4:28 PM  
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