Monday, January 23, 2006 |
WIWNT: News for You 01/23/06 |
Today's blog entries and articles from around the internets that I found interesting.
Bush is Grrrrrrreat!
According to a new poll out today from the American Research Group 36% of American's approve of Bush's overall performance, while a nearing 2-1 majority, 58% of Americans, disapprove. Keep up the great work you lame duck. See for yourself here.
National Security/Big Brother, Bush-style
From the AP, Bush continues to defend using the once foreign-only spy agency the NSA to spy domestically on American citizens in what would appear to any competent person to be in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Fortunately for Bush, about half of all American's appear to be absolute morons. Keep buying what he's selling you dupes. Maybe, if you pray hard enough you can make it acceptable for the rest of us too. See for yourself here.
mcjoan over at the DailyKos reveals exactly how familiar Deputy Director of National Intelligence General Michael Hayden really is with the Fourth Amendment. He's not totally wrong, but he appears to be unfamiliar with the amendment in it's entirety. See for yourself here. See, that's the key. You've got to read the whole thing, every letter, every word. Or maybe thats the way things are done now, I don't know, the rules for what's acceptable have definately worked their way into the shady area since the Republican seizure of power, so maybe I'm just guilty of being of a pre-9/11 mindset.
Radioactive Jack
White House spokesweasels claim that they know of no existing photos which would place the President and embattled Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff together, but that if any photographs do exist they were most likely taken at a large gathering like a Chanukah party, which are often attended by litterally billions of people that the President doesn't know, has never heard of, and those in which he has no desire to ever meet. The weasels suggesting this are completely full of shit. Part and parcel, I'd say, of this administration of secrecy, manipulation, torture, and deception. Keep that bullshit coming fellas, making the case that Bush 43 was one of the worst Presidents in American history, if not THE worst, is gonna be a "Slam Dunk", to borrow a phrase from Bush bestowed Medal of Freedom recipient George Tenet.
In an article posted yesterday over at Time magazine, we have our second confirmation of a news organization which has viewed approximately 5 photos which show President Bush with embattled Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. See for yourself here.
It is the belief of Judd over at that Jack Abramoff himself may be shopping these photos around to different news agencies as he is apparently feeling a bit of a financial pinch. See for yourself here. has also revealed that the White House has apparently "misinformed" the AP in regards to a meeting on May, 9 2001 between President Bush, Jack Abramoff, 21 state legislators, and several of Jack Abramoff's tribal clients. In June of last year, White House spokesweasel Erin Healy said that there were no records which would indicate that Abramoff was in attendance. Of the 5 photographs that Time magazine claims to have viewed, one of the photographs would suggest that those remarks are, how do you say in America, "moderately inaccurate". Abramoff was paid $25,000 by his tribal clients to arrange this meeting minus one. See for yourself here.
Iran: Nuclear Showdown
From the AP, "Iran will immediately retaliate if referred to the U.N. Security Council next week by forging ahead with developing a full-scale uranium enrichment program, a senior envoy said Monday." See for yourself here.
Support for the Troops
Big Iraq War no-bid contract winner, and Vice-President Cheney's semi-on-hold employer, Halliburton is in the news again for another greed inspired despicable act. No, this time it's not for ripping us off to the tune $50 per 2"x4", or for meals they never served, or even for knowingly serving food well beyond it's expiration date. No, this time they've exposed our troops to contaminated water, and then apparently refused to notify anyone about it. See for yourself here. Halliburton is on our side, right!?!
Oh, and just in case you didn't know, Dick Cheney still receives a modest, but healthy, income from Halliburton. Approximately $200K a year +bonuses.
Advanced Electioneering
At least one of the MSM outlets, the Washington Post, finally seems to be paying attention to the fact that electronic voting machines without any type of a paper trail may not be as secure as once believed. See for yourself here. NO SHIT, huh!?! You know there were quite a number of critics suggesting the very same thing oh, about two, two and a half years ago. So that would lead me to believe that after a couple more years pass we can get to the part where largely Democratic districts in states like Ohio were severly under-supplied with healthy voting machines. Then maybe another year passes and they can get to the vote count irregularities. That would be neat. To see some of these news outlets scurry along to report on such trivial matters as say the questionable outcome of a presidential election, or the use of phony-to-questionable intelligence in the build up to war on a sovereign nation. Oh well, time to check in to see what's going on with that missing groom. I hear now that they were drinking Absinthe and thats why everybody was all fuckered up (for those unaware, Absinthe is the drink in the NIN "Perfect Drug" video, and is said to be a root cause to van Gogh's madness. It is only illegal to sell the liquor in the states. Possession and purchase, not so much). |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 1:05 PM |