Thursday, December 08, 2005 |
All I Want for Christmas is it's Destruction - BOGEY, BOGEY, BOGEY! |
The dominionist nutballers, largely driven by the enablers of ignorance over at Fox News (O'Reilly, Gibson, et al), have worked themselves all up into a nifty lil' tizzy this HOLIDAY SEASON over some sort of so-called "War on Christmas". This "War" is led, quite naturally of course, by liberal secular bogeymen - BOGEY, BOGEY, BOGEY! Ma'an, it's amazing how many morons need to feel like they are oppressed in order to justify they're ridiculous existence. It's not just irrational, it's insane. The idea that Christians, who make up about 80% of the US population (although this estimate is from 2001 and is about 8.5% lower then in 1990, while godless heathens have increased by more then 6.5% - BOGEY, BOGEY, BOGEY!), are somehow being persecuted during their biggest, grandest, most super fantastic holiday ever holiday (a national holiday, mind you. The only religious holiday that is also a national holiday. Most of the country literally shuts down it's that big of a holiday) is more ridiculous then trying to claim, as a white man in the US, that you are constantly being discriminated against. Who is it that's attacking Christmas? The 20% that may or may not celebrate it? Have heathens infiltrated the ranks of Christianity in an attempt to sabotage their efforts to do only good works, and bring peace, joy, and goodwill to all? I doubt it. This "War on Christmas" is an absolute farce and it's composed primarily of two parts. The first is an attempt by the right to solidify its core in preparation for the pending Alito battle. The second is an attempt to generate revenue and viewer-ship for those who are nobly "defending" Christmas from Liberals. Anybody who would find offense in being wished a Merry Christmas has issues. I'm a heathen, not a godless one mind you, but a heathen none the less, and I find absolutely nothing offensive about it. Merriment and joy are fuckin' awesome and every effort to share such good tidings should be made all year long. Oh, how wonderful that would be.
Anyway, somebody in FL has bound, blindfolded, and lynched jolly ole St. Nick for the whole neighborhood to see. The kids in the neighborhood are traumatized. I admit, it's only funny in a really twisted way. I'm hilariously appalled!
Also, from C&L, Jon Stewart tackles the War on Christmas. At the end of the segment Jon gives O'Reilly this Kwanzaa gift and Christmas declaration:
"I'm your enemy. Make me your enemy. I, Jon Stewart, hate Christmas, Christians, Jews, morality. And I will not rest until every year, families gather to spend December 25th together at Osama's Homo-bortion Pot and Commie Jizz-porium." |
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 8:42 PM |
Fox News is shit. I hate it. I'm the most liberal person I know and I'm saying thier little "War on Christmas" bullshit is just that. Hell, all of television is shit nowdays that's why I don't even watch it anymore.
Please excuse my rant.
Love, Shiela
It's not Fox News, it's a person on Fox News. Honestly, one person doesn't represent the whole network. There is a lot of anti-religious sentiment coming from the left these days. Once again trying to tell us what is good for us.
True, the problem at Fox News isn't with the network itself; this is merely a shell in which to put things. The problem is with its late-90's-Springeresq-daytime-talkshow truth-based but artificially flavored filling. Sure, there's probably somebody over there that's not just regurgitating the talking points put out by Ken Mehlman or the White House, but their biggest talking heads do (O'Reilly, Hume, Gibson, Wallace, Hannity, etc...). And O'Reilly and Gibson are definitely way out front on this imaginary "War on Christmas".
Also, all television is shit nowadays, regardless of the network, but it just happens to be one of those necessary evils we, as living breathing liberty-loving beings, are forced to deal with. Of course, we could work to improve it, but admittedly, complainning about it while watching is a whole lot easier.
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Fox News is shit. I hate it. I'm the most liberal person I know and I'm saying thier little "War on Christmas" bullshit is just that. Hell, all of television is shit nowdays that's why I don't even watch it anymore.
Please excuse my rant.
Love, Shiela