Thursday, October 06, 2005 |
Remember these Senators when the "Bad" Photos & Videos are Released |
 These are the Senators who voted "Nay" on Sen McCain's interrogation limits amendment (S.AMDT.1977). Remember them when the "bad" photos and videos are released:
Allard (R-CO) Bond (R-MO) Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Cornyn (R-TX) Inhofe (R-OK) Roberts (R-KS) Sessions (R-AL) Stevens (R-AK)
Wayne Allard, is one of my boys. Here is the email that I sent to him earlier:
RE: S.AMDT.1977
Mr. Allard,
So here we are again. You were one of only nine Senators to vote against this Amendment sponsored by fellow Republican, former Vietnam POW, and victim of torture himself, Senator John McCain. An amendment co-sponsored by your Democrat counterpart, Salazar, among others. How fantastic. Are you not aware of the "bad" photos and videos which are on track to be released to the public here shortly? Do you not realize Senator that as soon as those items are released to the public this vote will be revisited? What are you doing? What is your reasoning? To date, nine Army reservists (Lynndie England, Charles Graner Jr, Ivan Frederick, Jeremy Sivits, Roman Krol, Armin Cruz, Sabrina Harman, Javal Davis, and Megan Ambuhl) have all been convicted on charges related to the documented torture of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Almost all claim to have committed such atrocities at the behest of senior officers. Similar atrocities were committed at Gitmo in Cuba. The Army, the White House, and their apologists have long claimed that the problems are not systemic, yet the evidence, as well as the similarities in personnel overseeing procedures at both facilities, would suggest otherwise. Few people can, or are even willing, to dismiss the blatant coincidences between the two facilities. Yet you remain unwilling to establish limits to ensure that Abu Ghraib does not happen again. After the original photos were released, the World was shocked, the American people were shocked, and most were appalled, but it turns out that these were the “good” photos. What happens when the “bad” photos and videos are released? How will American’s react then? How will the World react then? Do these people we’re fighting really need more reason to hate America and American’s? Should we be so willing to provide recruitment material to these extremists? Should you be so willing? Why would you want to, in essence, openly support and encourage the use of these tactics?
Sincerely, The Honorable Reverend Joseph Gastholomew Money XXXXXXXXXX
posted by MindSquash the Brain Worm @ 3:50 PM   |